
Что это

Основные разделы

Zero Conditional(real)

If + present simple, .... present simple

The zero conditional is used when the result will always happen.

First Conditional(possible)

If + present simple, ... will + infinitive

The first conditional describes things that I think are likely to happen in the future.

Second Conditional(unreal)

If + past simple, ...would/might/could + infinitive

The second conditional talks about things that I don't think will really happen. It's subjective; it depends on my point of view.

We should use only were not was. If I were you.

Third Conditional(impossible)

If + past perfect, ...would/might/could + have + past participle

It talks about the past. It's used to describe a situation that didn't happen, and to imagine the result of this situation.

Mixed Conditional

If + past perfect, ...would + have + past participle

It combination of Second and Third conditionals.